How to Learn About the Stock Market | स्टॉक मार्केट के बारे में कैसे जानें
In today’s time, a lot of money is earned from the stock market; it is well known that people are earning; we are also witnessing it; however, we have no idea how to earn; therefore, today we will teach you how to learn the stock market.
Which is the best method?| सबसे अच्छी विधि कौन सी है?
Although there are numerous ways to study the stock market, such as websites, apps, paid courses, free courses, and books, I will show you how to learn the stock market inexpensively and correctly in this post. If you want to learn about the stock market, where is the best place to start? This is my guarantee: if you read this post entirely, you will not ask this question to anyone else.
Why is it vital to understand the stock market?|शेयर बाजार को समझना क्यों जरूरी है?
In today’s time, we do not get the earlier returns anywhere, neither in bank FD nor in any post scheme, so after Kovid, the most people who have understood the way to get more returns are the share market. This is also true because banks now give 5-7% returns, whereas people in the share market earn returns ranging from 1% to 5000%. As a result, our money should rise in line with inflation. That is why it is critical for everyone to learn about the stock market and mutual funds.
What are the prerequisites for entering the stock market?|शेयर बाजार में प्रवेश करने के लिए आवश्यक शर्तें क्या हैं
A demat account is required if you wish to invest in the stock market. If you are unfamiliar with a demat account, explain that, much as we construct a savings or current account to retain money, a demat account is required to keep shares.
If you want to withdraw your demat account, you can do so by reading our linked post Zerodha Kite and following the link provided there.
Where to Begin in the Stock Market|शेयर बाजार में कहां से शुरुआत करें
Although there are various ways to understand the stock market, I will tell you the same approach that most people use and which method is the best and will save you money, which I will also explain to you thoroughly.
Some simple ways to learn about the stock market-
Websites and applications-
Many websites, including Moneycontrol,, Tickertape, Zerodha, Upstox, Trading View, Groww, and Angle One, provide information about the stock market. You can also look at our list of Share Market Free Learn once and learn Share Market Basics from there. However, you will need some knowledge for this. If you don’t know anything and want to start from scratch, I don’t advocate this strategy.
Paid Classes-
Many Stock Investment Experts or professionals from various institutes work to teach the stock market through Stock Market Courses, Seminars, and Training. However, if you listen to them, you will remove the concept of learning from your head. This, in my opinion, is not the greatest way.
Courses for Free-
There are various platforms on the Internet that provide you several ways to learn the stock market for free, but there is a problem with this as well. On the one hand, you are given the following information, which is only half comprehensive. It is claimed to happen, and sometimes, even if the course is excellent, you do not know where to begin or where to conclude; for this, too, a guide is required.
Many people have become successful in the stock market after gaining some expertise and earning a lot of money. They have shared their experiences or funds in their books, so you can learn about the stock market from their books or books.
What is the cheapest and most effective approach to learn about the stock market?|शेयर बाजार के बारे में जानने का सबसे सस्ता और प्रभावी तरीका क्या है?
You’ve learned about the ways, but you’re not sure which one is the best, so I’ll tell you which one is the greatest and why it’s correct; I’ll also explain it in depth.
In fact, I believe it is appropriate to get a book from an expert or someone who has made a lot of money in the stock market and has written his thoughts down in a book. The reason for this is that you will not know where to begin with the website/app and free course and what is significant, and if you want to do Paid Course, let me tell you that it is quite expensive. In today’s market, courses ranging from 10,000 rupees to 2 lakhs are available; if you can afford this amount, you can do it.
But everyone has witnessed the experience of someone who has truly earned money, and if his funds are in any book, then you will receive the book from Rs.100 to Rs.1000 and comprehend the procedure from beginning to end, as well as your money. If saved, I believe the book method is the best and most correct. If you want to know which book is good, look at the list below.
Which book is the best?|कौन सी किताब सबसे अच्छी है
Although there are numerous books, I will tell you what I have read and know about them so that you can read them on your own.
If you want to learn the stock market, instead of paying thousands and lakhs of rupees to someone, you can learn from the book of someone who has achieved success in the stock market by following that path, even if the amount is little.
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